Hyatt Hotels is a fabulous hotel company. Their loyalty program is Called “World of Hyatt”. Hyatt has a much smaller footprint than Marriott, and some others, but what they lack in numbers, they make up for in quality! Like they say: Quality over Quantity ! Some of my favorite hotels are Hyatt hotels, like Grand Hyatt DFW, and Park Hyatt NYC!
Hyatt Hotels, in my opinion, is doing a fabulous job managing their program and hotels throughout this hideous crisis we are in (Covid-19). Not only have they not taken away benefits and guarantees like Marriott has, they are making it INSANELY easy to earn status, all the way to their top tier (Globalist), for almost nothing! I will show you how a few hundred bucks can get you 2 years of Globalist status with Hyatt in the next 2 months.
HURRY, a HUGE step in this process will go away January 15th, 2021 if you haven’t already registered!
Hyatt has some excellent promotions going on right now, but I will only list the ones relevant to this situation.
Elite Status Requirements Cut in HALF for 2021
Hyatt has slashed the nights required to qualify for status in 2021/22 in half. Normally it takes 60 nights to reach Globalist status, but now you only need 30, and this best part, its for 2 years!
Here are the 2021 requirements:

As you can see, you are able to earn Discoverist with ONLY 2 NIGHTS, or is it even less?? Keep reading!
If you just stop here, its already a fabulous deal, but this is just the beginning.
Bonus Journeys Promotion
Like I said above, this is very time sensitive, so, if you haven’t already registered, DO IT NOW!!!
Hyatt’s current promotion, called “Bonus Journey’s” , not only triples, and quadruples the points you earn to use for free stays, it also DOUBLES your elite qualifying nights! The promotion is pretty cut and dry… You get 2 elite night credits for every 1 you actually stay. YOU MUST REGISTER BY JANUARY 15, 2021, and its for stays through February 28, 2021.

So now you’re starting to get the picture, just how insanely easy it is to grab one of the best status’ in the hotel industry! If you only need 30 elite qualifying nights to get Globalist, and with this promotion, you get 2 for 1 elite qualifying nights, then yes, your right, you only need 15 ACTUAL NIGHTS to earn Globalist status!
Also, if you already have points with Hyatt, your free nights count as well! Some hotels have redemptions only needing 5,000 points per night, and using points is a great use in terms of this process.
Sweeten the Pot!
There are many things you can do while achieving your status this way to sweeten the pot! Here are a few!
Free Nights on Sale
You must also register for this promotion by January 15, 2021, if you care to utilize it!

Its as it says; you get points back for every redemption until February 28th, 2021. So, for example, if you redeem 5000 points for a free night, you will get 750 points back, making the stay only cost 4250 points. As you can see you get even more back if you are a Hyatt credit card holder.
Earn in STYLE
Hyatt has a relationship with MGM Resorts International. If you hold status with MGM, you can INSTANTLY match your status over to Hyatt. Why would you want to do this?.. well, those 15 nights you need to stay can be much nicer and profitable if you already have status. Here are the levels and what they will match to:

Following this step really is just a no brainer and gets you by until you earn a higher status following these steps!
Hyatt has several ongoing promotions, you can see HERE, that you can utilize with these others or without.
Why do I Want to go Through This “Trouble”, you ask?
If you plan on traveling any in the next 2 years , and you like staying in nice hotels, you need this! Globalist level has free breakfast, suite upgrades, and MANY MANY FREE things that come with it. SEE HERE all the benefits to World of Hyatt Status!
Ive said this a million times, but I am a Marriott person (ONLY because SPG merged with Marriott). I have been loyal, but during this pandemic and even before, it feels one sided. I am not turning my back on Marriott, but I am not going to be blindly loyal to them if its a one way street. Aways have a backup plan!
How I am Going About This
As many of you know that follow me, I flew to Las Vegas on Christmas Eve, and only stayed 22 hours. I did this, because at the time MGM was matching other casinos status’s to theirs. I hold Diamond status with Caesers Rewards, not because of gambling (although I do gamble from time to time) , I got it as part of being a FOUNDERS CARD member.

If you haven’t already, take a look at my article on Founders Card HERE, it has paid for itself a million times over! You had to physically be at a MGM casino to do this, so in order to grab Hyatt Explorist status, I matched my Caesers Diamond to MGM Gold. Then I matched MGM Gold to Hyatt Explorist status. I did all this because I would earn more points and get better treatment while I am staying the 15 nights required (Before Feb 28) to achieve Globalist. Its not necessary but …
Next, I booked a room for 15 nights in Aguascalientes , Mexico , at the Hyatt Place. The reason I picked this is, #1 it was the cheapest in North America I could find, and #2, I wanted to go to Mexico anyway. I found the room for around $40 a night , but ended up finding it cheaper on another site and filled out a “Best Rate Guarantee” with Hyatt, and , with tax and all I will be paying $30 a night. So for $450 USD, I will have Globalist status for 2 years. TRUST ME, its WELL WORTH IT!
I will check in, stay a few nights, then fly to Puerto Vallarta , where I rented an Airbnb for 10 nights , and I plan on just hanging out. I will fly back, stay the night and check out when its time and fly home. EASY PEASY!
This may sound silly or stupid for you, and you defiantly don’t have to go to the extremes I have, (Im on a constant hamster wheel, but that’s what I do and I like it). Even if you only go for a mid level status or whatever, it’s a great opportunity to be a Hyatt Elite for a tiny fraction of what it usually takes. This is one of the ways I travel so well, for so little money!
If you have any questions, PLEASE ASK!
Thanks for reading and PLEASE, TRAVEL MORE!