As you may have noticed, I have not written much lately! So much has been going on in my life, traveling was simply not an option. I hate when things make that so, but thats what its been lately. Well, let’s HOPE that has changed!
I cashed in on the crazy housing market while it was hot, and sold my house, which was an ordeal for an “organized hoarder” as myself. I have Also been dealing with a few pesky medical issues ( it sucks getting old(er)!, and this and that, and anyone that knows me knows that being knocked “off kilter” for me is a huge thing! The last several months have knocked me WAY OFF KILTER! Anyway, all is well and good, and I am writing this from the rooftop pool of my condo on Copacabana beach , in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil!
My Current Travel
As I mentioned, I am in Rio for the next week, a total of 3 weeks, and its EXACTLY what the doctor ordered! Although I have been here a few times in the last year but this time I am doing a re-boot. I am actually trying to figure out if I want to get a place here, and if so ( I actually really do) , how I can afford the ASTRONOMICAL airfare right now. I paid more to fly this trip than I have for ANY, this tells you how bad I wanted to come to RIO.
My Future Travel
There are no current concrete plans for my future travel, but I am always on the lookout. I will write a more in-depth, updated article about HOW I search for good deals in 2022. I do keep eyeing India, and Dubai.. and really should explore more of Brazil besides just Rio, and South America in General. Any suggestions?
Current State of Travel
I don’t really have to tell you that the state of travel right now is a mess. Airfare is too high, hotel service is LOW yet prices are high, and shall we talk about the cancellations?… Lets not, theres no need.

I truly feel like things will get better. Just in the last few days the USA rescinded their testing requirement for US citizens to enter the United States. This will save so much money, hassle and trouble…. I am so glad about this, as it just no longer made any sense! This little surge will level out middle to end of summer and at the same time airlines will have more staff trained, thus more planes flying and things will slowly go back to normal. If we go into recession, things usually get good for us “bargain hunters”… not that I want that, but there is that possibility! I wrote about this 2 years ago… and my feelings are still the same.
Moving Forward
You have my word… Now that I’ve made this huge “life shuffle”, I am going to focus all my time on this site and, “The TouringTony Media Group” in general. You will see many changes, and exciting additions very soon. It took MANY ( I’m not going to say how many) years for me to finally realize that travel and teaching people about travel is my PASSION! Hell, everything about Travel is my passion! And this part of MY life is ALL ABOUT ME, and what I WANT!
I know this is a short post, but I wanted to put a few things out there for everyone to let you know whats going on, and to “prime the pump” so to speak for whats to come!
Thanks for reading, and PLEASE, TRAVEL MORE!