Getting the Best Price on Travel In my previous posts I said that even though I am very big on points / miles, most of my travel, be it flights or hotels, is paid travel. With that said, I always get the best deal unless it’s just an emergency or […]
Earning Points and Miles, Starting out.
Earning Points and Miles, Starting out. As I mentioned in my last post, there are many ways to earn airline miles and hotel points. The most obvious is by flying or staying in hotels. Then to me the next is getting certain credit card (s) for the particular airline or hotel, […]
Reveiw (Critique) of SLS Las Vegas , a SPG Tribute Property
(I actually had 2 stays, weeks apart so this will touch on both stays) I was so excited to stay at my first Tribute property, as a SPG Loyalist I get excited about small things such as this! And although the hotel itself did not disappoint so to speak, the […]
Update of IHG Priceless Surprises Promotion Progress
As I stated in my last post I was doing both the “mail-in” and stay part of the IHG Priceless Surprises Promotion. I just finished my last 14 of 94 entries that I will put in mail today, and last night I received my first 49 email entries allowing me […]
My newest hotel loyalty program..
I have read quite a bit over that last month or so about the IHG and Mastercard Pricless Surprises promotion, and how you are able to join it without ever staying at a IHG property, well I finally took the bait! I went out and bought all the items needed […]
Double SPG Points in Greece!!!
DOUBLE SPG POINTS IN GREECE! Of Course SPG is my primary Loyalty program that I Put the majority of my effort, time and money into it.. so anytime I see extra SPG points available I get excited! On top of this, Aegean Airlines is a fantastic Airline out of Greece […]