Google Project Fi
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A New Contender for Best Cellular Service for Travelers!

I recently wrote an article about T-Mobile, and frankly it is still my main carrier, but I keep hearing more and more chatter about T-Mobile cutting people off if they use a lot of roamong data.  On one hand they push the fact that you can roam so much, on the other they don’t want you to use it that much. For this reason I have been trying out Google Project FI and so far I am VERY HAPPY! About 6 months ago I bought a Google Pixel 2 on Project FI along with the Google buds for translation proposes ( Ill write about that later).  Project Fi uses  Tmobile, US Cellular, and Sprint in the US, and abroad they use many different carriers.  If you use a lot of Data, FI Used to be a little more expensive, but now they have a cap at what you are charged which is very cool!

How it Works

You pay $20 a month for the service Phone and texting) and $10 per GB of data up to a MAX of $60 a month.  Over heard of some people paying $20 to $30 dollars a month, I don’t pay much more as I only use it occasionally when I travel.

Project Fi Network
Project Fi Network

They use 3 carriers, T-Mobile, Sprint and Us Cellular , along with several WIFI hotspots.

Project Fi Pricing
Project Fi Pricing



The only setback to FI is you have to use certain Android phones, and not any Apple phones.  I feel this is their (Googles) way of forcing you to use a phone that has their operating system (Android), but thats just a hunch, and im sure it will eventually have to change.

Google Fi Phone Options
Google Fi Phone Options

Try It Out

You can always buy a cheap used compatible phone on eBay and try it first, but google does a great job with promotions on buying their phones and they have 0% interest when buying through the store!  If you sign up through my link, google will give you a $20 credit after the first month, which is basically a free months service!   Click Here for more info!

Wrap Up

Like I said before, I still use T-Mobile, but I can no longer say it is the ONLY CARRIER for travelers!  If you can deal with Android phones, I would say go for it, or at least check them out!  I will write an article soon about the Pixel Buds by google, and how I can have INSTANT translation to foreign lunges and carry in a conversation.  This option is only available with a few of their phones.

Remember , sign up through one of my links to get a free $20.

Thanks for readings and PLEASE TRAVEL MORE!

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